Events in 2010

December 15 - 17, 2010

The Zhanjiang Exchange Tour is co-organized by HKBIO and Hong Kong Scientist Association with the aims to provide a platform to facilitate communication and knowledge exchange between Zhangjiang and Hong Kong. This was a valuable opportunity for scientists from both regions to discuss about potential capacities for collaboration and future development of technology.

November 22, 2010

HKBIO sponsored Savantas Policy Institute's Hong Kong Innovation Project - a large-scale, cross-sectoral study aimed at exploring Hong Kong's potential for innovation in technology. Basing on the research findings of the project, the book Innovation Policy and the Limits of Laissez-Faire is compiled. On Nov 22, Prof. LO Yuk Lam, Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization, and Mrs Regina IP, Chairperson of Savantas, together with other sponsors of the Hong Kong Innovation Project, presented the book to Mr John TSANG, Financial Secretary. We hope that the government will, taking account of the research findings, consider breaking away from the laissez-faire tradition and setting up a technology bureau to devise a comprehensive strategy for fostering advancement and commercialization of knowledge. For more details please visit this page.

October 21, 2010

TechMatrix Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong, Idea4HK and HKBIO jointly organized the President Forum titled Hong Kong needs Technology Bureau. Legislative Council Member and HKBIO Honorary Advisor Dr. Samson TAM hosted the forum and the policies and mechanisms of how the Four Asian Tigers promote technology development were discussed.

October 21, 2010


The Hong Kong Smart City+ Forum is jointly organized by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and the Hong Kong Public Key Infrastructure Forum. The Radio Frequency Identification technology was introduced to bring about the Smart Card · Smart City · Smart Life vision. Videos broadcast during the Forum reaffirmed Hong Kong's leading position in being a Smart City. HKBIO was a supporting organization to this event.

October 18, 2010

HKBIO's Executive Vice Chairman, Dr Terence LAU recently had the pleasure of attending a dinner invitation from Scottish Development International (Hong Kong) to meet with Mike RUSSELL, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Scottish Government. The dinner which was held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Hong Kong, brought together an intimate gathering of individuals from academia, government and business sectors. Dr LAU participated in an interactive and engaging discussion over dinner, and exchanged views about innovation and the important role that international collaborations in biotechnology play in bringing new ideas and solutions for entrepreneurial initiatives and economic development. Scotland has a long and proven track record in a number of technical disciplines, and has been instrumental in many 'new-to-the-world' ideas from the ATM to tarmac to the telephone to cloning to the decimal point. The creative talent behind a lot of this new thinking has stemmed from Scotland's universities, and the subsequent success of their output in the commercial world. Hong Kong was the first stop of Mr RUSSELL's tour and visit of key centers in China.

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