

(Hong Kong, July 6, 2020) As the COVID-19 pandemic ensues, The Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization (HKBIO) has paid close attention to Hong Kong’s elderly community. Recognizing their need for anti-epidemic supplies under the current circumstances, HKBIO decided to cooperate with the Philip KH Wong Foundation, GeneHarbor (Hong Kong) Technologies Ltd and Cellomics International Ltd to donate masks, hand sanitizers and NMN 9000 supplements to Yick Hong Home for the Aged (Kowloon) Ltd to help vulnerable groups protect themselves against the disease.
(香港,2020 年7月 6 日)2019 冠狀病毒疫情持續,香港生物科技協會關注香港社區長者在疫情下對防 疫物資的急切需求,決定聯同黄乾亨基金、基因港(香港)生物科技有限公司及晶準生物科技有限公司向益康護老 院(九龍)有限公司捐贈口罩、酒精搓手液及艾沐茵(NMN 9000)補充劑,幫助弱勢社群抵抗疫病。

DSC02342 compressedProfessor Cheung-hoi YU (third from the left), Chairman of the Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization, Professor WANG Jun (second from the left) Founder and CEO of GeneHarbor (Hong Kong) Technologies Ltd, and Ms. Christine HUANG (second from the right), Chief Executive Officer of Cellomics International Ltd personally delivering goods to Yick Hong Home for the Aged.
香港生物科技協會主席于常海教授(左三)、基因港(香港)生物科技有限公司總裁王駿教授(左二)及晶準生物科技 有限公司首席執行官黃園女士(右二)親自將物資送到益康護老院。


Due to the continuing outbreak of COVID-2019, the Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization, Philip KH Wong Foundation and Cellomics distributed anti-epidemic supplies to people in need on 3 July 2020 outside Cheung Sha Wan Station in Sham Shui Po District, Kowloon, to assist them in preventing virus infection.


Professor Albert Yu, Chairman of the Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization (third from the right), together with Mr Kennedy Wong, lawyer at the Philip KH Wong Foundation (fourth from the left), and Ms Maru Young, from Cellomics International Limited (first from the right), led members of the Secretariat to distribute masks and hand sanitizer, in support of local epidemic prevention work.


Government is always one of the indispensable parties to promote Biotechnology development. In order to reach better communication between government and industry, Prof. Albert Yu (Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization), Prof. Lo Yuk Lam (Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization), Prof. Michael Yang (Executive Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization), Prof. Wendy Hsiao (Treasurer & Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization), Dr. Benjamin Li (Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization), Mr. Andy Liu (Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization), Dr. Wong Bing-Lou (Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization), Mr. Chen Ping (Co-president of BIOHK2021), Dr. Sun Fei(Organizing Committee of BIOHK2021), Mr. Philip Law (Organizing Committee of BIOHK2021) and Dr. Wong Jun (President of Geneharbor (Hong Kong) Biotechnologies Ltd.) go together for holding a meeting with Mr. Alfred Sit (Secretary for Innovation and Technology Bureau).



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We reported the current situation of Hong Kong Biotechnology development to the Secretary Sit, which includes the preparation for the BIOHK2021, Big data of Biotechnology, government funding, and how Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization helps for the local anti-epidemic under the COVID-2019 situation.


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Let us work together for the development of Hong Kong Innovation and Technology!


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Dr. Wong (President of Geneharbor (Hong Kong) Biotechnologies Ltd.) gives his new book as a present to Secretary Mr. Alfred Sit.



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