BIO 2012 International Convention

June 14-21, 2012

Building on the success of the 2011 BIO International Convention - Hong Kong Delegation, Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization (HKBIO), Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) had again co-organized to lead a BIO 2012 Hong Kong Biotechnology Delegation, comprising prominent Hong Kong biotech companies and organizations, to exhibit at the BIO 2012 International Convention at Boston during June 18-21, 2012. Prior to the Convention and Exhibition, a side mission to Boston was organized to visit key biotechnology companies, research and educational institutes during June 14-15, 2012, and to attend the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association New England (SAPA-NE) Annual Conference on June 16 2012. Delegates of the Mission were privileged to meet representatives and explore international collaboration opportunities between biotech industries of U.S. and Hong Kong.

The mission was led by Dr. Terence LAU, Executive Vice Chairman of HKBIO and Mr. Andrew YOUNG, Vice President (Marketing & Sales) of HKSTP. Our delegates and exhibiting companies consist of major biotech industry players and institutions in Hong Kong: (in alphabetical order) 

Asia Pacific Stem Cell Science Limited 
Bio-Cancer Treatment International Limited
Ella Cheong (Hong Kong & Beijing) 
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Centre for Clinical Trials
Hai Kang Life Corporation Limited 
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Knowledge Transfer Office
Healthcare Technology International Limited
Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology 
Lee’s Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd.
Seperex Nutritionals

The delegation was sponsored by LAByrinth [a Life Science-inspired communications studio and biotech fashion brand], the East West Bank [one of the largest independent commercial banks headquartered in California with over 130 locations worldwide] and the Hong Kong Association of Massachusetts [promote and sponsors cross-border exchanges of trade, business and investment in leading industries through providing unique networking opportunities for the Hong Kong and Massachusetts business and cultural communities] and was also supported by over 20 government departments, industry associations, chambers of commerce, and related organizations.

Please click here for the full event summary. For enquiries, please contact the HKBIO Secretariat at (852) 2799 7688.

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