Chun-Hua Zhang
MILS (Matsumoto Institute of Life Science), Japan
Vice director
NPO Life Science, Japan
Kanazawa Medical University, Japan
Visiting professor
Capital Institute of Pediatrics Beijing, China
Visiting professor
Haikou People Hospital Haikou
editorial board of International Journal of Pediatrics
Dr. Zhang, 1986 graduated from Chinese medical university, 1997 acquired MD from Kanazawa Medical University. She studied in IEM chemical diagnosis and biomedical mass spectrometry analysis from 1992 until today. Since 1998, she started high-risk screening of IEM and chemical diagnosis service to clinical pediatrics, extended over a long term and was making an effort for study and knowledge spread of IEM in Asian country. She established an international IEM screening laboratory network consisting of trained MS technicians and IEM medical experts. The goal of this network is to regulate the setup of IEM testing laboratories, sample treatment methods, detection conditions, and data reporting, as well as to ensure reliable technical support for equipment. Her activity contributed toward development of Asian IEM study and diagnosis.